EXCALIBUR INTERNATIONAL is an trade and export agency of the CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP (CSG) representing its traditional line of business. CSG is a holding company with firm roots in the Czech and Slovak industrial tradition. The group provides a solid foundation for the current and future development of established brands which have a strong reputation in the manufacturing sector, specializing in both the defence industry and civilian production.
Company focuses on comprehensive customer solutions, offering a wide product portfolio of CSG and its proven partners. Whether providing military hardware, aerospace technologies, project financing, logistics or on-site support, the core value of our business is to fulfill the customer’s requirements. The key factor is to deliver proven solutions, time-tested equipment and support throughout the lifecycle of delivered technology. Our approach towards success is through constant pursuit for business opportunities around the world.
representing Czech and Slovak companies on international markets
providing a comprehensive solutions all over the world
regional leader in defence and aerospace export revenues